Exams | Kick Off the Fear ! ! ! !

Exams | Kick off the fear    As Second Year PU Exams are near, here we are publishing a post on exams and how to be prepared for exams !!!!!!!!!
                   As exams are near everyone is putting their all energy !!!! in stuffing things inside  the brain ( especially those who is touching books for the first time during study holidays !!! ) , so its time to do smart work than the usual term hard work.

Tips to Crack the Exams Confidently
> Make the Proper Use Of Time : As we all know time is very precious and especially during these exam days.allot a particular period of time for your each activity and according to your convenience allot time for each subject.

> Study Plan: Calculate number of days left for exams and prepare a study plan ie.,check what all concepts you have understood in each subject and what all to be studied in the remaining days,collect old question papers and important questions,so that you can guess which type of questions can appear in exams.  

> Avoid Some Things: Till exams avoid somethings which distracts you from studying, like TV  computer,movies etc.You can paste a sticker on computer and TV like "No TV& computer before 8 PM" or any such things which makes you to control yourselves from these things.  

> Early to Bed Early to Raise: Its good if you have the habit of waking up early and studying, if not then try to wake up at least at 6 and remember you can wake up early if you sleep early!.  

> Study!!!!!!:After doing all these things the only thing you have to do is to study.Have a proper place in you home,where you can study comfortably.You can read all subjects everyday hourly basis or you can complete reading each subject in basis of days.Follow the way in which you feel comfortable. 
                               Revise each and every concept of the each unit once you finish it.While studying just    note down the important diagrams, formulas and etc in a paper or scribbling pad so that on the day of exams by just seeing these you can recall the whole content.Take break after every one and half to two hours.So that you feel fresh after studying for two hours.Work out the mathematical problems and don't just read it.Every night before sleeping once again revise all the topics you have studied in the whole day.

Things to do on the day of Exam!!!!
  At last that day has come for which you have worked whole year so go face it confidently.Sleep early and wake up early on the day of exam.Don't read any new topic,keep your all things ready like geometry box,pen,pencils,water bottle and of course hall ticket without which you cannot write the exam!.Just go through the diagrams and formula notes again so that you feel confident.Go to the exam venue one hour early,check your room number and settle down somewhere near that room make yourselves ready to attend the exam and when bell rings enter the exam hall.

Things to do during Exam!!!
 In exam once you get the question paper take few minutes to go through it and once you feel confident enough select the questions to which you can give the best answers and answer them first and then answer other questions,so that you can leave a good impression on evaluators,remember"First Impression is the Best Impression".write the answers with the readable and neat handwriting.Don't write paragraphs,answer the questions in points with small explanations to each point.Write according to the mark allotted and don't write extra unnecessary things to make answers lengthy.
For proofs and all first write the principle followed with the diagrams(if any) then proof so that it comes in a neat way and it makes evaluators work easy also.Try to finish writing answers at least before 10-15 minutes and just go trough the question numbers and answers and under line the important points in your answers.Don't come out of the exam hall early,wait until time is up.

Once exam is finished submit the answer paper and come out happily even though however was the exam dont discuss much about the finished exam and prepare for the next exam.

Wish you all the best for the exams , Do well.

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